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Thanks to Beverly McKinney and Joe Hewitt, here are recent pictures of Tanya's children.
Beverly reports that the children are adjusting well to their living situations with Joe Hewitt (Faith & Phebe) and Jay (Abby, Aeryk, and Autumn).
If you want to send Christmas gifts to the children or contact Jay, Joe, or Beverly, their addresses are in the Contacts section.
Pictures of the twins from Joe Hewitt as of August, 2005:
Recent pictures from Beverly:
Is that really a 3 on the twins birthday cake?? Where have I been?
I am thankful that the kids are with members of their close family, and I am comfortable, based on reports from Naomi and Beverly, with their situation.
Tanya may not agree with this, as she wants them back with her. This may be appropriate in time, but until her case comes to trial and her situation stabilizes (two separate issues), I support the decisions that have been made.