Innkeeper's Gazette
Start your day with the Innkeeper © 2004 - 2014 by

Baking cup cakes.  With an ever present bottle of Almaden wine.

Our green Olds Cutlass convertible is parked to the right outside the door.  The apartment complex we lived in was across Dalrymple Road from North Springs High School, close to where we live now.  Before the county paved the school's parking lot, John and I used to go to the empty field to ride bicycles and fly his kites.  The complex was torn down in 2006 to make way for a new development.

Go scare 'em, John.

Stomach aches here we come!!!  John is 6 in this picture --
the same age Abby will be for Halloween 2006.

The marble-topped sideboard under the cup cakes now lives with John & Sharon.

Didn't the cup cakes come out nice?  Hey, the ones above, not the one below!

Love the plaid bell bottoms, Jan.  She's cleaning up & getting ready to go to the Halloween Regatta. 
The lights weren't really green -- it was a difficult picture to scan.  I'm learning.

Dan, Dan, dirty old man.  Jan helps Dan Williams (from Chattanooga's Privateer Yacht Club) stay on his feet.  John Muhlhausen entertains Dan's wife Joan (over Dan's right shoulder).