Innkeeper's Gazette
Start your day with the Innkeeper © 2004 - 2014 by

Update on Grandma

Grandma awoke Saturday morning with difficulty breathing, a by-product of the tumor's growth.

With Hospice's help, we reduced the breathing difficulties to a tolerable level, and by early afternoon she was comfortable enough to briefly visit with Art Johnston, Sarah, Jennifer, and Lee. She ate a good dinner.

We hope we can keep her in bed tomorrow so that she can adjust to the increased medication levels and oxygen that she is now receiving. If not, she will be able to ride in style in her new wheelchair, equipped with a portable oxygen bottle.

She is still living in her apartment at Bay Village. We plan to keep her there in familiar surroundings as long a possible.

She and I regret that we will not be able to attend Farah's baby shower and wedding. Our thoughts will be with Farah and William, as I hope yours are with Grandma.

Don't hesitate to call me at Grandma's if you have questions.

