Innkeeper's Gazette
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Christmas Greetings!!                                                  Page 2

In early June, we helped Fran Preston celebrate her retirement from KSA, and then Bill’s AHRMA National race schedule kicked into high gear.  During one of his race trips, sister Katherine was able to sandwich a visit with Jan & Julie into a business trip to Atlanta – sorry I missed you Katherine.

Not to be outdone, in late June Jan headed to Montana with friend Barbara Bradshaw to spend a week with mutual friend Karen Ericksen.  They claim they spent the week embedded in Karen & Lenny’s deep woods cabin.  Hope the bears enjoyed the culinary leftovers and empty wine bottles.  Roughing it isn’t all that bad, is it Jan.

Julie lives in Atlanta and is creeping up on two years with Gables Residential Properties.  Assistant Property Manager for their Dunwoody Gables property, she is working hard to have a smooth running property that will be a good reference for her quest to move into a property manager position.  Julie’s work schedule limits her spare time activities, however this year she joined John and Sharon on a weekend camping trip at Providence Canyon in southwest Georgia; joined school chum Jody Besecker for a couple of weekends in Hilton Head; and took several weekend trips with friend Danny Fields.  She makes and sells a nice line of custom jewelry, and held several trunk shows this year.  She and Danny have joined ALTA, Atlanta’s mega-sized tennis association and plan to start ALTA league play in January.

We took a break in August.  Bill & Jan spent a weekend in Toccoa, GA attending the wedding of the daughter of a good friend of Jan’s.  Bill spent a number of days (no guesses as to how many – too exhausted to count) helping Tony pick & process grapes (we must’ve done too good a job trimming in April / May).

September & October were busy.  Bill & Jan spent a weekend riding mountain roads and forest service “two-track” trails with the Honda TransAlp owners group in Stecoah Gap NC, a delightful weekend playing bridge with the KSA bridge group in Pigeon Forge TN, and celebrated Jan’s 60th birthday.  Sadly, October also brought the funeral of good friend Gerald “Turby” Turbyfill, KSA associate, bridge associate, and investment club participant.  He will be missed.

November brought a few regional motorcycle races for Bill, Julie’s birthday, a Christmas tree trimming party while James & Gretchen were in town for Thanksgiving, and preparations for Christmas.

Now that we have a few years of retirement under our belts, we’ve learned to keep Christmas a bit more relaxed, so we are looking forward to a quiet December (Jan: “Silly man”).

To reduce my typing load next year, check out every once in a while.  It is our family web site and is usually up-to-date.  We use it to stay in touch with our extended family – you included!!

Let us know how you are doing.

Bill & Jan
Christmas, 2005

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