Innkeeper's Gazette
Start your day with the Innkeeper © 2004 - 2014 by

KSA Bridge Group 2005 Fall Outing

Jan and I thoroughly enjoyed the weekend, and are looking forward to the group's next outing!

Bill Reed, thanks again for making the outing happen.  The setting was wonderful, the food and company great, and the competition good.  ... if Tennessee had won their football game the weekend would have been complete.

The gallery of pictures documents (most of) our antics.  I'll be happy to send higher resolution copies of your favorites.  They'll be 3 mega pixel images, suitable for 4x6 or 5x8 prints..  I can either email them (if you have a fast internet connection or don't mind a long download) or put them on  CD & mail them.  Let me know were to report the time on my BI.

Also, please give me some feedback on the size of the images in the gallery.  I use a 17" monitor and run it at a high resolution (1280x1024) so the images fit the screen.  I can display them at lower resolutions if too many people run their monitors at lower resolutions.

Happy viewing!!