Innkeeper's Gazette
Start your day with the Innkeeper © 2004 - 2014 by

Katherine Card at the Holston Hills Home

Katherine and Bee.

Bee joined the Katherine and John's family before Bill, and was Bill's companion when he lived with them during World War II.  The pictures of Katherine & Bee were taken in 1941.

The house was built on a hill overlooking Holston Hills Golf Club.  The view during the day was beautiful.  At night, Bill remembers watching the blinking red beacons atop radio towers in the valley.  The house, golf club, and radio towers are still there as of Bill and John's drive-by in 2004.

This is a front view of the house.  Bill used to hang out at the right side picture window.  The wedding picture of Margaret and P. L. was taken in that room also.